USCG AUX Flotilla 11-1 Clearwater
The Flotilla 11-1, Clearwater Florida’s volunteer lifesavers. Our flotilla supports U.S.C.G. Station Sand Key, U.S.C.G. Air Station Clearwater and U.S.C.G. Sector St. Petersburg. We provide direct assistance, resources and assets to the Coast Guard missions of Search and Rescue, Recreational Boating Safety and Environmental Protection. Operating under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, we perform all the tasks and functions of the Active Duty Coast Guard except direct law enforcement and armed military operations.
We would like to welcome anyone who seeks adventure and learning or refining their life skills. The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary offers an opportunity to serve both our country and local community. Our flotilla members come from diverse backgrounds, with a wide variety of aptitudes and experiences. Whatever your interests may be, it’s likely we can offer you a place to further your personal development beyond what you imagine. The Best Never Rest!
On behalf of our flotilla, we encourage you to add to the proud tradition of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary by joining us. Semper Paratus! Always Ready!